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Artificial Grass Installation Guide

Artificial Grass Installation Steps

Step 1: Excavation

To allow space for your rock base to be installed, we first need to excavate the area. The ideal depth required is 100mm from the height of your lowest edge. In most cases, the lowest edge will be your concrete footpath, however this varies depending on the layout of your property. If you have a larger area and require a skip bin to remove the soil, the same calculation to determine the size of the skip bin can be used to calculate the amount of rock you need.

For every 10 square metres you have, you will require one cubic metre of removal. For example, if your area is 50 square metres, you will require a 5 cubic metre skip bin.

Once your excavation is completed and you have an empty space of 100mm deep, it’s time to begin preparation of your rock base for your artificial turf lawn installation.

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Step 2: Crushed rock layer

At Ausgrass, we recommend a minimum of 70mm of crushed rock base for artificial turf installation. The ideal rock to use is “20mm crushed rock”, which can be purchased from your local garden supplies store along with other artificial turf installation supplies.

Once your excavation is complete, use the calculation mentioned above to determine how much total rock is required, keeping in mind that out of the total volume of rock ordered, 2/3 of this rock should be 20mm crushed rock while the remaining 1/3 should be stone dust.

Cover the levelled soil with 70mm of crushed rock and level the rock so that it has a flat and even surface.This is essential for the preparation of artificial grass installations.

Hose and compact the area to determine any weak pockets in the base. If you notice that certain spots are developing dips/potholes, top up and recompact that area until it remains level. This can be caused by weak pockets in the soil below and will reduce the risk of potholes forming later.

 artificial grass installation guide preparing your base

Step 3: Stone dust layer

Now that your crushed rock layer is complete, it’s time to install your stone dust layer. Stone dust is a finely crushed rock, which will produce a more solid surface for your artificial turf installations. Fill the area to the level of your lowest edge; do not exceed the height of the edge. Hose with water and compact the area until it is flattened and more solid. You may need to repeat this process more than once to achieve the desired result.

Once compacting the stone dust layer, it should sit roughly 10-20mm below the lowest edge. This is especially helpful for synthetic grass installation.

 artificial grass installation guide stone dust installation

Step 4:Artificial Grass and Installation

Roll out your Ausgrass artificial grass roll starting from one side of the area, preferably the side with the straightest edge.

Be sure to cut off the flap on either side of the artificial grass roll. Simply fold the edge over take your Stanley knife and cut the backing close to the first stitch without cutting the stitch.

Move the artificial grass along the straightest edge towards the point where it meets with the corresponding edge so that it touches the corner where the two edges meet.

Follow the edge around the entire area, ensuring that there aren’t any gaps between the artificial grass installed and the edge or that the artificial grass isn’t folded up the edge.

The artificial grass should finish flush to the edge. Once you are satisfied that your artificial grass is positioned correctly, it is time to cut the grass to fit the area. We recommend putting a few nails along the perfect corner or even along the entire edge if it is also perfect. This will stop the synthetic grass installed from shifting while you are cutting any excess.

Always cut the artificial grass from the backing as much as possible. Follow the artificial grass edge along your adjoining edge, being sure to cut carefully to ensure that the grass finishes nicely and fits the area snuggly.

Once the artificial grass is cut into the area properly, move around the edge of the grass and apply nails/Upins, opening the grass with your fingers before nailing to ensure the nail is hammered to the base of the grass stitch, which will allow the grass blades to cover over the nail. Apply the nails roughly 2-3cm from the edge of the grass and approximately 20-30cm apart.

Apply nails to the entire perimeter of the artificial grass area. If you have any leftover nails, you can also apply them throughout the middle of the area to ensure a secure artificial grass installation.

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Step 5: Brushing & sanding

Now that your artificial grass is completely cut to shape and nailed in place. The finishing touch is to apply your Ausgrass premium kiln-dried sand. The sand sits at the base of the grass blades, out of sight, applying strength to the root of the grass blade and keeping your grass standing up.

Use the power broom to brush the artificial grass up, being sure to walk backwards while you face the same direction as the grass blades are facing. We recommend brushing the grass once prior to sand.

Once the area is brushed, cut the corner of your sandbag and spread the sand across the grass as evenly as possible. Now, use the power broom again and repeat the brushing process once or twice to brush the sand into the synthetic grass installed. If you notice any stubborn sand stuck to the blades, hose the area after you have finished brushing. Do not attempt to brush wet grass/sand.


Step 6: Sit back and enjoy!

Your installation for artificial grass is now complete, and you can start enjoying your perfect new lawn. Depending on the frequency of use, your artificial grass may need to be occasionally brushed up again. This can be done using a plastic rake or a power broom. Any weeds that may occur are typically surface weeds from bird droppings or the wind. You can treat our high-quality artificial grass using general weed killers such as Roundup.

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Joining artificial grass

If you have a larger area which requires joining two or more pieces of grass. Follow this simple guide to achieve the best results.

Take two pieces of grass which have their flaps cut off. Pre-brush the edge of each roll which will be joining with your hand. Fold both pieces back slightly, allowing you to slide the joining tape under the join and align the tape so that it is evenly under each piece of artificial grass. Fold both pieces of artificial grass back down and check that they are sitting in the correct position. Ideally you will join the two pieces together with only a 0.5-1cm gap between the two. Peel back a small section of plastic cover from the joining tape and apply pressure to the artificial grass so that it sticks to the tape. Be sure to check that your join hasn’t shifted apart as you go. Pull the plastic cover out with one hand while applying pressure with the other hand. If possible, try to pull the plastic towards you and as flat to the opposite artificial grass piece as possible. If done correctly, this will keep the opposing blades of grass pushed out of the way so that they do not become stuck to the tape.

After your first piece is completely stuck down, repeat the process to the second piece of artificial grass. Your body should always be on top of the piece that you are not currently sticking to the tape to.

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